(Revelation 17:3)
"And he carried me away in the power of the spirit into a wilderness. And I caught sight of a woman sitting upon a scarlet-colored
wild beast that was full of blasphemous names and that had seven heads and ten horns"
(Revelation 17:4-6)
"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and was aborned with gold and precious stone and pearls
and had in her hand a golden cup that was full of disgusting things and the unclean things of her fornication. And upon her forhead was written a name, a mystery:
'Babylon the great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.' And I saw the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus."
It is a long name to be stamped upon ones forhead, but it is symbolic as a world-wide significance. That name is a "Mystery" something with hidden meaning. But in Gods due time, the mystery is to be explained. In fact the angel gives
John enough information to allow true servants of Jehovah to discern the full significance of this descriptive name. We recognize Babylon the Great as being all of false religion over the entire planet.
She is the "mother of the harlots" because all the individual false religions in the world today, including the many sects in Christendom, they are like her daughters, imitating her in commiting spiritual harlotry. She is also the
mother of "disgusting things" in that she has given birth to such revolting offspring as idolatry, spiritism, fortune-telling, astrology, palmistry, human sacrifice, temple prostitution, drunkenness in honor of false gods, and other obscene practices.
Which I might remind you all originated in ancient Babylon.
I know it almost seems wrong to sit here and tell you that the religion you might belong to or believe in is wrong, or is it bold? What I am doing is telling the truth.
think about it, one of the ten commandments says,
(Exodus 20:4,5)
"You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth.
You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them."
Now that includes crosses, candles, pictures, figures, or any type of idol. God is a spirit and you must worship him in spirit. Lets take a look at another scripture.
(John 4:23)
"Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him."
Please keep coming back as I will constantly be adding more and new information on a regular basis as I myself keep uncovering the deep mysteries within this great book.